Who I work with

woman in black and white stripe dress holding wine glass

I work with busy people who are living in pain, feeling tired, overwhelmed and run down, or trying to get well again.

a woman sitting at a table using a laptop computer

They may have dealt with health problems in the past or are currently navigating the medical system and searching for ways to keep their body, mind and spirit in balance. I help them to feel empowered on their healing journey, find workable solutions, to confidently listen to their inner wisdom, so they can get well, feel energised and focus on living life more fully.

Susan Koschel kinesiology

Are any of these scenarios true for you…

You have an injury or pain that nothing you've tried has helped so far and you have been told just to learn to live with it. You feel like you have to modify your dreams of adventure and travel because you aren't as young or as mobile as you used to be but you are not ready to do that.

You feel like you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time and although life is busy and looks great from outside, it still feels mundane or boring on the inside. You might even be pretending to be happy to keep the peace. The daily treadmill of merely existing to pay bills and meet other people’s expectations can be soul destroying and energy depleting.  

Maybe you've been focused on hanging in there and soldiering on, despite experiencing great personal suffering or surviving trauma and abuse. You intuitively know the triggers that send you into a downward spiral and that all of that is stopping you from living a full and happy life.

You are hungry for learning and insight that goes beyond the physical, but you don’t know where to start and just can't find your tribe. You want to learn to heal yourself, your family and secretly the world.

Clients are likely to be successful with me if:

  • They want to explore their triggers and develop strategies to get past them or better still, bypass them all together.
  • They are keen to identify the repeating patterns of their lives and begin their healing journey to create long term change.
  • They are ready to be inspired to create new habits and behaviours and let go of those that no longer work for them. 
  • They are able to commit to their own health and wellbeing, actively creating daily changes to feel happier and more content.

Now that you know the kind of clients I work with, the issues I help them with and what my clients need to do to ensure their success, click on this link to learn more about How I Work or click the button below to book a session: